Dla kapel zainteresowanych wyjazdem do Londynu na festiwal "KOTJ", ktory odbedzie sie 12 marca w centrum Londynu...rozpoczal sie nabor dla 2 kapel "unsigned", ktore to beda mialy mozliwosc zagrac na duzej scenie obok "ill Nino", "Breed77" no i oczywiscie mojej kapelki

, glownym sponsorem festiwalu jest firma produkujaca sprzet muzyczny "Blackstar", poza tym kilka czasopism muzycznych, TV i kilka agencji...anyway ponizej tresc maila od organizatorow, jesli ktos chce sprobowac to info ponizej.
Our mates over at Get Me On Stage are offering the opportunity for TWO unsigned bands to join the line up at KICK OUT THE JAMS FESTIVAL featuring ILL NINO, BREED 77, SENSER, LOWER TAN ATLANTIS, TRC, POLAR, STARSEED, THE SPINDLE SECT, SPIRYTUS, AGHAST and more.
Check it out at
http://www.kickoutthejams.co.uk/http://clinkmusicmagazine.com/2011/01/06/kick-out-the-jams-festival-2011/and apply to play at:
http://www.getmeonstage.com/All applicants will be listened to, shortlisted and then chosen by several music industry and PR reps. The winning two bands will play the festival and be given 5 tickets each to do whatever they want with! Ticket value is £27.50