Autor Wątek: Kącik fitness  (Przeczytany 376819 razy)

Offline lord_awesomeguy

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Odp: Kącik fitness
« Odpowiedź #1000 26 Wrz, 2012, 16:08:37 »
Ułożyłem nowy plan ćwiczeń dla mnie i Lothara. Jeżeli ktoś chce się przyjrzeć:

Będziemy ćwiczyć co 2 dzień :)

Bazowałem go na wiadomości od Lyle McDonalda, opisującej zasady HST:
(...) The key components are this:
a. Exercise increases ribosome activity. After any single exercise
bout, the ribosomes in the trained muscle will increase their activity.
This increase is short term. Based on the data by McDougall (looking at
protein synthesis via tracer research), maybe 36 hours or so. So at 36
hours, ribosome activity in that muscle is back to normal.

b. Exercise elevates mRNA levels coding for wahtever protein the muscle
wants to make. As above, this is short term. Any physiology book will
show that as soon as mRNA levels are elevated, the cell will start
degrading them. So increases in mRNA are also transient.

c. The cell needs adequate energy (the cell 'knows' how much energy it
has by a variety of means including the ATP/ADP ratio and others). This
does tie in with the volume. Something to note is that the body is NOT
good at doing two things at once generally. Losing fat/gaining muscle
is one ; developing strength and endurance simultaneously is another.
Here's one you never hear about, storing glycogen and building muscle
don't generally occur at the same time.
Simply, the body can do one or
the other but not both (but some people can do both well and steroids
increase the ability to do both which is why steroids 'let' you get away
with higher volumes). So what does this have to do with the price of
rice in china? In high volume training, you depelte a lot of muscle
glycogen. So when you refeed carbs, they go to repleting muscle
glycogen first, protein synthesis second.

I suspect that the reason that many 'hardgainers' do well on lower
volumes has to do with this. With low volume, they can stimulate
increaess in protein synthesis but do it WITHOUT depleting glycogen so
much that incoming calories go towards glyocgen synthesis. This is
probably a reason taht PL training (low reps don't deplete as much
glycogen since you rely on the ATP/CP energy pathway) works so well for
many as well.

Folks who can store glycogen AND syntheesize protein well (becaues of
genetics or drugs) do fine on higher volumes (Since Raj likes trotting
out what 'others' say I"ll play the same game and mention that Poliquin
says that explicitly in The POliquin Principles, noting that certain
types of training work better for individuals who are better at storing
nutrients in their muscles). They are usually the exception in the
weight training world as far as I'm concerned.

Posty połączone: 26 Wrz, 2012, 16:21:04
10g w dzień treningowy, 5g w dzień nietreningowy. Więcej nie ma sensu, bo nadmiar wydalisz.

Taki protokół powinno się stosować - ja tam sypię jak mi się przypomni :)
« Ostatnia zmiana: 26 Wrz, 2012, 16:21:04 wysłana przez lord_awesomeguy »