Autor Wątek: Kącik fitness  (Przeczytany 378281 razy)

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Odp: Kącik fitness
« Odpowiedź #775 23 Lip, 2012, 00:12:44 »

Ciekawe podejście do treningu siłowego. Ale z tego co czytam/widze wielkich przyrostów masy raczej nie daje, a szkoda.

Galabin Boevski, the 152-pound Bulgarian lifter who snatched a record 358 and clean & jerked 432 in winning the 1999 world championship, does three workouts a day, using maximum poundages and a limited number of exercises. In the morning, he works up to maximum singles in the snatch, clean and jerk and the front squat. In the afternoon, he does it again, sometimes lifting more than in the morning session. He finishes with an evening session, where he repeats snatches and front squats, again lifting maximum poundages. The next day he does it again!

« Ostatnia zmiana: 23 Lip, 2012, 00:17:05 wysłana przez coin777 »
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