Autor Wątek: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)  (Przeczytany 8130 razy)

Offline Fred the Shred

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NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« 19 Mar, 2012, 17:20:45 »
My friend Felix knew I was most curious about the guitars Vik makes, so he kindly lent me one of his own to fiddle with, for which I'm most thankful.

First off, the sheer beauty of this thing is something I can simply state that no pics will do justice to.

This axe is fitted with Vik's own pickups, with wooden covers, and they sound quite natural and warm. The action was too low for me (think "strings glued to fretboard"... Haha!), and after a setup, she started singing beautifully, and has immense sustain. Note separation is, as expected on a fan fret, great and the birdseye maple board works great in terms of giving the guitar some very welcome snap to the attack.

Without further ado, here are some pics:

And here's a vid with her and my Blackmachine B7 in tandem, as I really felt this one complemented her just great:

I hope you guys enjoy!  ;D

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #1 19 Mar, 2012, 17:50:47 »
So, you'll order VIK in the future? :D

And, at first, I read song title as F.A.P. , dunno why :x
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Offline Fred the Shred

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #2 19 Mar, 2012, 17:55:01 »
Freud probably has a silly explanation for that...  :P

As for me ordering a Vik, time will tell - quality is great, that's for sure. :)

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #3 19 Mar, 2012, 21:39:08 »




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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #4 19 Mar, 2012, 21:58:47 »
Dude, your guitar is disabled and a little creased :D

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #5 19 Mar, 2012, 22:03:37 »
Beauty and the Beast  ;)

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #6 19 Mar, 2012, 22:37:53 »
VIK makes one of the most intriguing instruments in terms of aesthetics and quality. And it always looks like "that's wood, men, all over".
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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #7 19 Mar, 2012, 22:44:22 »
Disgusting design, too much strings (:D) but great selection of wood.

Congratulations! :D
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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #8 20 Mar, 2012, 00:51:44 »
Not too fond of the body shape plus I've always considered fanned-frets necks look weird ;)

I do love the looks of the wood, especially the back of the body - what is it made of?

Sounds good too. Have fun with it! :)

Offline Bjørn

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #9 20 Mar, 2012, 09:27:27 »

. : : Death Metal und Jazz : : . || dubstepowe banjo w djencie || . : : Fractal > all your amps : : .

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #10 20 Mar, 2012, 13:12:45 »
The guitar isn't my thing but the video is great as usual :)
« Ostatnia zmiana: 20 Mar, 2012, 14:56:28 wysłana przez Musza »

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #11 20 Mar, 2012, 13:23:37 »
Looks absolutely sweet, I love nice woods. That limba on the back and the neck are great.

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #12 20 Mar, 2012, 19:38:45 »

Offline wuj Bat

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #13 20 Mar, 2012, 19:42:51 »
Is there nobody saying that proportions are bad and headstock is funny/weird? 8) :D
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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #14 20 Mar, 2012, 20:24:13 »
the guitar is looking strange, but woods are beautiful nonetheless.

BTW: what chain are you using for the main lead melody? It sounds almost like some kind of nice, electronic lead, I like this tone very, very much :)

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #15 20 Mar, 2012, 20:44:25 »
This shape is strange and AMAZING  :choszatan: :onan: :onan: :onan: :kaplan: :irokez:
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Offline Fred the Shred

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #16 21 Mar, 2012, 01:19:01 »
the guitar is looking strange, but woods are beautiful nonetheless.

BTW: what chain are you using for the main lead melody? It sounds almost like some kind of nice, electronic lead, I like this tone very, very much :)

It's just a Silverblade Bloodhound profile, with a TS ddriving it and an analog delay model after - it's mostly how I play it and try to take advantage of the analog demay's organic decay.


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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #17 18 Maj, 2012, 13:11:53 »
Can you tell us something more about your pick? It's so fat...

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Odp: NBGD - Vik FF7 (vid inside)
« Odpowiedź #18 18 Maj, 2012, 13:49:49 »
Is it a Hufschmid pick? Also, the shape and the overall design of the guitar is one of the most unique and remarkable looking instruments I've ever seen. Yeah, so jelly... The song is great too, not a fan of the mix, though.


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