Autor Wątek: ToneX Pedal  (Przeczytany 47179 razy)

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Odp: ToneX Pedal
« Odpowiedź #150 08 Cze, 2024, 11:38:35 »
Wczoraj wieczorem wgrałem ToneX i mi nie chciało wyświetlić Metal gems na zielono, a jak odpaliłem dziś rano to już był ten zielony znaczek. Wczoraj oprócz Restore Purchases klikałem też clear cach czy coś takiego, ale nie wiem czy to pomogło. Napisałem też do supportu IK Multimedia w tej sprawie, bo myślałem, że to jakiś większy problem i tak mi odpisali:
"Please follow these steps to activate your Metal Gems collection:

After you've purchased a TONEX Collection, from inside the application, you will see a pop-up message asking you to Restore Purchases which will download & download all of your paid Collections.

After this restore, you can find your Tone Models in both ToneNET using the Collections button, as well as in your Local Library in the same area using the Partners tab.

If you've skipped the message, or purchased outside of the application. Don't worry, you can restore your purchases in TONEX at any time follow the steps below.

    Open the TONEX application in a stand-alone or DAW instance
    Click the top right button with the 3 dashes (audio settings)
    Go to Account > at the bottom click Restore Purchases > Please allow at least 1 minute before you do anything to make sure the process completes.
    Now go back and download any purchased vendor captures.

We hope this response has sufficiently answered your questions. If you still have any question, interests, or concerns, please reply to this email and an agent will get back to you as soon as possible. Please make sure to reply to this email and do not open another support ticket."


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