Autor Wątek: Kącik fitness  (Przeczytany 378114 razy)

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Odp: Kącik fitness
« Odpowiedź #800 30 Lip, 2012, 15:49:38 »




trenbolona acatato

testosterona propionato/ phnyl propionato

m a s t e r o n a

h u m a n g r o w t h h o r m o n e

i n s u l i n a

a n a d r o l a

optional e q u i p o n a

optional p r i m o b o l a n a



prime with gh,,  get bodyfat down low enough so you can start being play-mobile,,you never get anywhere if you have high bodyfat to begin with ,, high bodyfat for bodybuild is 12% or over,, true 12%

while priming...develop your body with! trenbolona short easter testosterona mentioned above and low dose of materona for anti estrogenic purposes with either euipona or primobolana or both in combo ...primobolana recomended more by me if you can have legit

after 3-4 months on hgh ....when you finaly see you are 8% true bodyfat and thick the right way ..thick muscle not thick take hgh out! you ALSO TAKE THE EQUIPONA OUT! you can leave the equipona and primobolana and pulled them out later but it realy depends on how you carry water in general your genetic water carrying aspects ...i recomend to take it out for the average moron

you then increase doses of trenbolona acatato to 200mg a day yes yes yes 100-200 but im telling you once again we use 200mg a day minimum for levels you talk about ,,dont evere belivee the balonie 50mg a day crap ,, the big diff come in the 150-250mg a day ...many use 300mg a day! epends on your goal and on your lean muscle to begin with and over all condition to begin with

now...while you increase trenbolona to high also R E FUCKING DUCE TESTOSTERONA to low doses i mean LOW doses 150-300mg a week unless ,,ofcourse some use more but they also look like balonie,, as i said before ...testosterona usage is direct! dependent on how much legit gh you have in blood...when you take gh out testosterona go DOWN! and the gh is still working its magic even if not injected it has window of oportunity as i wrote in bible! 3-6 months window of oportunity ,,so again testosterona dosages DOWN! not off but down!

the better you look ...which you will see changes happening into the 5-6 % daily will see how you transform into a magazine look in  weeks ...very fast after taking out the hgh ....weels 2 months and you are walking sculpture that evry whore notice
this is when you increase masterona!


finallllly you are 5-6% dry 200 lb happy all the way to the gymasium and back with slight mental problems but nothing you cant manage,, this! this!!!! is where you do 2 things..

thing one
you look in the 250lb heavy moron in your local gymasium and say i look much beter than him but i realy want to be his weight,, ofcourse if you look in his gut...and his condtiion ...when he take shirt off...its not a nice site,, but you still want to be 240 lb to have the weight and over all volume ...big mistake but you want to go competing since you are a COMPETETIVE moron ,,

this is when you do thing number 2...

you bring in anadrola and insulina under your pillow ,, you kiss them before  you go sleep and wait until the morning....

morning come you are waking up 200lb 5% dry polishged look to die for ,, you look 230lb in the least all whores falling to your feet....and yet you still for some reason want to be 250lb of insulina ...ok,, sooooo

you go to the fridge re introduce hgh into blood ,,rememebr you are very lean ripped and shredded  now effortlesly ,,, why do you reintroduce the gh ?
you reintroduce the gh....because the window of opportunity closed up and now you need anothr mutatation to begin ...mutation into the big want the 3 dimentional to not go away want to reintroduce water from within muscle ito the physiqe...and you are so low bodyfat that right now its the time to go to that pillow where you kissed your insulina and anadrola last night ...and take them out


you now inject gh ...and insulina is introduced with this gh ... with the meal ...simply insulina shot before the meal ....ofcourse gh was already shot...and lastly a nice 100mg of legit anadrola...

you do this few times a day ...

what you will see as a result infront of your you sudenly gaining weight....on scale....the ones who realyu like their waist...and thier v taper wont exacly like what happen ...they will like the thickness but they will not like how their waist look it wont look like samit banaot or frank zane waist thats for sure...but yet you live in 2000 modern chemical build... soooooo you will notice within weeks you start blowing up and fast! are 5% remember very low fat...6% its no now A PLAYMOBILE you can do what everr you want to your body you can even eat balonie many times and still low bodyfat 6% will prety much remain especialy since gh is in full force ....

you will see you go 210lb 220 lb 230 lb 240 lb and all this time looking single digit ,, water all go into the right places....fat go INTO the muscle ,, you sudenly will start resembling....that clowish fella jason korea and kuklo the kid...this is also when you kiss good ole bodybuild goodbye

you end up 240-260 lb 9% fat from within muscle and finaly can call yourself modern bodybuild,,

doses and products in details on the gh15 sites
gh15 approved/bible index

Cytat z jednego z poradników napisanych przez gh15 (nieoficjalnie mówi się że to Nasser El Sonbaty). Forma taka kretyńska bo koleś najpewniej nie chce być rozpoznany. To tak dla ciekawostki... 200mg trenbolonu na dzień :)