Spoiler Tuning is (low to high) D A D A D G B E. I'd love to hear from you what gauges you suggests. The point is to avoid detuning while we pick attack the strings. At the current moment we use 0.010 to 0.085 with 28” scale and up to 0.105 with 26” scale lenght. We are trying to find one, perfect custom set that match our style to use it on all our guitars. OLO Model: Blackjack SLS V8 Scale: 28" Colour: white satin Fretboard: ebony, without markers, except our logotype on 12th fret. Pickups: 2x EMG808 Bridge: Hipshot Tuners: Shecter Locking 19:1 8th string bush should be bass string sized (bass string ball end should fit there) Back strap button should be on the back like on the attached photo. YONY Model: Blackjack SLS C8 or Banshee Elite 8 Scale: 28" Colour: dark natural (it'd be great if it looks like the back on KM7 model) Fretboard: ebony, without markers, except our logotype on 12th fret. Pickups: SD Blackouts 8th string bush should be bass string sized (bass string ball end should fit there) Tuners: Schecter Locking, 19:1 2x Volume, without Tone knob. If it's possible I'd love to have a split coil there. Neck shape, fretboard radius etc. standard like the Banshee model.
jeszcze to sprawdzę, bo na szybko, ale mniej więcej tak to widzę@Musza skad wziales ten "bush"
kurcze kojarze ze jest na to inne slowo.
@Yony chodzi Tobie o otwor w kluczu czy co? zeby pomiescil grubosc struny basowej czy o tuleje na struny w korpusie? bo kolek od klucza to "tunning peg", tak jak np ludzie pisali o rozwiercaniu otworow w kluczach, a z kolei tuleja w korpusie to "string ferrule".
[ grammar nazi mode ON ] "length" a nie "lenght" - nauczylem sie sam po sobie poprawiac bo wielokrotnie przestawialem te ostatnie litery [ grammar nazi mode OFF ]
mam nadzieje ze pomoglem:)