taa, uwielbiam Stathama. do worka dorzucić można jeszcze transportera 1 i 2, bo trójka to już totalna farsa...

a Snatch już chyba wieczyście zgarnął moją miłość za swój geniusz.
akcje jak
Turkish: [looks at the caravan] Look at it. How am I suppose to run this thing from that? We'll need a proper office. I want a new one, Tommy. You're going to buy it for me.
Tommy: Why me?
Turkish: Well, you know about caravans.
Tommy: How's that?
Turkish: You spent a summer in one, which means you know more than me. And I don't want to have my pants pulled down over the price.
Tommy: What's wrong with this one?
Turkish: [Pulls the caravan's door from its hinges] Oh, nothing, Tommy. It's tiptop. It's just I'm not sure about the colour.
Vinny: Why are we stopped here? What's wrong with that spot?
Tyrone: It's too tight.
Vinny: Too tight? You could land a jumbo fucking jet in that.
kompletnie porozrzucały mnie po pokoju. Lock, Stock też był świetny, ale jednak brakowało mu tego czegoś, co następca już miał