Autor Wątek: Co was ostatnio zszokowało?  (Przeczytany 1416440 razy)

Offline blackdahlia

  • Pr0
  • Wiadomości: 959

-Nie przedstawiają sobą żadnych wartości w moim mniemaniu
-Propagują złe wzorce
-Są zwyczajnie obrzydliwi

I właśnie o to tu chodzi. Sam autor o swojej kreacji:

Filthy Frank is the embodiment of everything a person should not be. He is anti-PC, anti-social, and anti-couth.  He behaves and reacts excessively to everything expressly to highlight the ridiculousness of racism, misogyny, legalism, injustice, ignorance and other social blights. He also sets an example to show how easy it is in the social media for any zany material to gain traction/followings by simply sharing unsavoury opinions and joking about topics many find offensive.There is no denying that the show is terribly offensive, but this terrible offensiveness is a deliberate and unapologetic parody of the whole social media machine and a reflection of the human microcosm that that social media is. OR MAYBE IM JUST FUCKING RETARDED.