Jak wiadomo mam do sprzedania gitarę, no i pewnego razu dostałem smsa z bramki od pewnego Irlandczyka, wszystko szło całkiem spoko do pewnego momentu. Mianowicie dzisiaj rano dostałem następującego maila:
Spoiler "I have just completed the transfer and you should have gotten the confirmation email from Paypal already, a total amount of €1,280 was sent,€900 for the guitar purchased and the extra €380 for the freight charges and am sure you notice that,which you will be sending the €380 to the Pick up agent address stated below through western union office first thing in the Morning, according to Paypal's policy you'll have to visit the nearest western union close to you with cash of €380 and send it to the Transport Company Headquarters address stated below from your pocket and as soon as you complete the transfer through western union money transfer office a receipt will be issue to you and make sure you send the western union transfer receipt to Paypal as they said it is needed for the verification to completed the transfer of the total amount including the western union transfer fee to your account and then we can arrange the pick up after you received the total amount into your account as i expect to receive your address for the pick up to be arrange??..Here is the pick up agent address stated below: Name: Thomas Dylewski City : Ibadan, State : Oyo, Zip code :23402. Country : Nigeria. Text Question : Colour Answer : Blue With the issue of my details,the packing and the documentation will be done by the pick up agent so you don't have to worry about that.My shipper would be coming around to your area to have the item picked up once you have sent the shipping charges fee to them,as i need you to let me know what time you want them to come for the pick up . I advises you to check your Inbox or your Junk/Spam mail in case you did not get the confirmation email from PayPal yet. Good night.."
No i teraz chuj nie wiem co z tym robić, jedyne co to na razie czekam czy hajs jakoś nie wpłynie niedługo. Zastanawia mnie szczególnie ta Nigeria. Gość wcześniej wspominał że jest marynarzem więc może tam stacjonuje ale kurwa coś perfidnie mi nie halo...
Pomoże ktoś? Bo zaczynamy się z
@youshy gubić w tych kurwa zeznaniach
Spoiler Jak tylko sprawa się wyjaśni to wątek do śmiecia, ale jakby można było to chwilę potrzymać żebym ewentualnie mógł ogarnąć dupę co z tym fantem robić