What I meant was mearly for the manufacturer to accomodate Ola with the amp for the testing purposes so he, or the manufacturer itself, could sell it later on. And given the number of followers that Ola has, given that the test results would be positive of course, it wouldn't be much of a stretch to imagine the number of people willing to pay extra (compared to the standard fees) for the amp touched by the hand of G.. Ola himself.
Also, getting dragged down this train of thought by the shortcut path I suggested, that such operations might indeed give some idea about the bias Ola would have, as he would be the one to sell the amp, at least I can think of some fags going down this road. Yet, in a plane video (and audio) of Ola playing some badass riffs, there is really very fucking little room for bias (or should I say - the bigger the bias, the better the amp is set) and the way it sounds is up to the amp in the very end.
That is the most clear way I find myself capable of expressing my thoughts on the matter.
And to sum up - they should so fuckin do it (left alone the mere marketing effect of such test (again - given it went all good and well) for a small brand like Bash. Fucking shitload of orders come to mind.