Autor Wątek: LINE 6 USERS - Porady, pomysły, presety.  (Przeczytany 336305 razy)

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    • myheaven
łojezu kochany przez godzinę miałem małą psychiczną masakrę.Mój POD  HD 500 strzelił zawieche.Juz myslałem że będę musiał go gdzieś wlec żeby go rozkręcać .Ale na necie znalazłem opis tego samego problemu.Mianowicie po włączeniu zasilania system nie mógł wstać ,na wyświetlaczu pojawiał się tylko logo LINE 6 i znowu się resetował i znowu tylko logo.Zawał na miejscu..Wklejam tu opis dwóch kombinacji resetu w takiej sytuacji, mi odpalił przy pierwszej kombinacji.Jest to po angielsku ale myślę ze się przyda i przy moim słabym englisz i tak wiadomo o co chodzi.Nie wiem czy był taki temat na forum ale tak na wszelki wypadek

 Problems with my POD HD500
by warisnake on 2012-10-15 01:12:54

Hello everybody,

Well, an hour ago I was recording, using my POD HD500 connected through USB cable to my Notebook, and using samplitude 11. Months ago I downloaded a preset from this very site, and now I was making some changes to that preset, and I was assigning footswitchs, when the pedal did not recognize the changes.... well, I selected send from PC to Pedal to send the changes,and then the POD HD500 edit software had a problem and turned off,and simultaneously the pedal looked empty (without presets), so I turned it off. I waited about 10 secs, and then I turned it on again, and the pedal showed my LIne 6, and again Line 6 and again Line 6 and did not continue to the menu. I don't know if it is a coincidence, but I think the POD HD edit failure ended with a system failure and I had to restart my notebook (It is okay now, but my POD is still not working).

Then I tried to restart my pedal with the factory configuration by  holding the down directional arrow, and then I followed all the instructions of Line 6 Monkey selecting flash memory, but nothing happened, and my pedal is not working, and just showing my Line 6 repetitively. Before today, I never had problems with my POD.

Maybe you will tell me, go to a service center (Audiomusica in Santiago, I'm from Chile), and that is what I will do. But I would love to have an idea of what is going on with my pedal, what kind of failure is happening and if it is repairable or not, according to the info I gave you. I spent about USD 900 14 months ago and I will appreciate sincerity, and kind words if you feel I still have chances. This thing destroyed my holiday.



Re: Problems with my POD HD500
by jimsreynolds on 2012-10-15 02:17:14

I think there are two things you can try.  You have already done part of one of them buit it might be worth trying variation on this,

First off, try a global settings reset (Power up the POD with the 'Left' button on the navigation pad depressed).  If this works, make sure that you remember to calibrate your Expression pedal.

Try changing to the last preset you were editing before things crashed.  Can you access it?  Does it crash the POD?   If so, copy another preset over the top of it to wipe the bad preset.

    Global Settings Reset HD500.
    Expression Pedal Re-Calibration HD500

If that fails, you can try another flash memory recovery.

1)  Unplug the POD usb from the computer.

2)  Reboot the computer.

3)  Reconnect the POD to the computer and wait for one minute.

4)  Power up the POD with the 'Down' on the Navigation pad depressed,

5)  Load Line 6 Monkey on the PC

6)  If the POD is recognised, reinstall the flash memory - do not erase your presets.

If you get to step 6 then power up the POD once the update has finished.  Is it working?

If not, try the procedure again, but this time on step 6 you should choose to overwrite the presets.

Good luck.
And there will your heart be also......


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