Autor Wątek: Kącik humoru wujka bandita ;-) [wszystko oprócz dowcipów!]  (Przeczytany 705148 razy)

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Jakieś 2-3 tyg temu Vincent w wywiadzie dla InvisibleOranges powiedział, że :

Is Pete still an official member of the band? He’s still listed as one in various places online.

Pete’s no longer in Morbid Angel.

I know he publicly said some unkind things about the last record after it came out.

Well, his whole way of life has changed. He’s in a different spot, and the spot that he’s in right now, Pete Sandoval and Morbid Angel are not compatible.

How so?

Well, he has found Jesus. You can see where the incompatibility comes from.

Potem już z górki, MetalSucks, MetajInjection wycięło to co pasowało na chwytliwy news ;)