YYY bo ja się nie znam tak bardzo to obie te paczki są na V30? czy jak?
Na różnych wersjach V30, a może powinno się powiedzieć na różnych voiceingach V30?
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There's a reason guys like Andy Sneap, when producing a slickly-produced metal album, will drop a re-amped guitar tone right through an old Mesa Recto 4x12 with V30 T4335's....The way it is voiced in the mids, it falls right into the mix with the least amount of post eq'ing, and 80% of the homework is done. No extra bass blurring the kick drums to roll off, not much mid-fizz to notch out, and no harsh treble to compete with vocals and cymbals. Guys that don't even like V30s sometimes wind up having some producer re-amp their guitar sound into V30s just to make the mix more professional and balanced, like it or not.
Then again, some guys only like Marshall 1960AV/BV cabs for live use, and think the Mesas are too buried in the live mix. Those Vintages can slice thru the mix, and the awesome din of a live metal gig, like a flamethrower through tissue paper. I've heard some early Marshall Vintage speakers in the studio, and at some live gigs, that were so bright, their top end rivaled or even surpassed the wicked, gnarly top end spike of cranked G12T-75s.