Autor Wątek: Czego Was życie nauczyło?  (Przeczytany 206445 razy)

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Odp: Czego Was życie nauczyło?
« Odpowiedź #25 02 Cze, 2012, 02:57:33 »
Z każdą kolejną odpowiedzią knuję jakiś trolling, ale nic nie wydaje mi się zabawne, więc napiszę, co myślę (choć sądzę, że temat jest... subiektywnie durny):

- należy się wysypiać, tak te przynajmniej 6-7 godzin dziennie.
- coś, czego nauczył mnie Sean Day[9] Plott (prowadzi szkoleniowo-rozrywkowy show na Youtube o Starcraft II), że pozwolę przytoczyć sobie jego słowa:

(...) I've decided that there's an extra special important topic, that is not quite Starcraft-related but is life related that I want to begin with today. Now, you'll know that I'm not in the state where I have the maximum amount of preparation that I would ordinarily want. Well, okay, I can work with that, I could use something like cancel the show and move on. I don't want to do that sort of thing. I'd prefer to stay up here and do it regardless.

I'm bringing this up because I wanna note something what is happening with the whole Day[9]TV business. Here is the Day[9]TV logo, you've got Day[9] stuff over here, you're watching Day[9]TV right now. It took a lot of effort for that to occure but I want to emphasize something:

1. I am not smarter than you.
2. I am not luckier than you.
3. I was not born with an innate knowledge of videogames over you.
4. I am not an ordinarly more articulate speaker.

I was given none of these special circumstances, none of these. None of these, at all, are me. And as a result, none of these contributed to any of this. In fact, to be able to get to 461 episodes I have exactly one trick and I use my one trick a lot. Here's my one trick, are you ready for my trick? Here's my life trick, here you go:

I just show up. Always.

It's my trick. I just show up. All you ever have to do is just show up. 461 episdoes have happened on the Day[9] Daily just because I've kept showing up. (...) It's just that sort of flipping mindset that you just do whatever [to attend]. (...)

And I bring it up because it's such just a simple idea that I want you to go apply. I know many of you say things like "I wish I laddered more [played more games]", "I wish I was good enough". I want you just to show up and ladder. I just want you to play five games, I don't want you to play them well, play poorly, win or lose - I don't care. Just do that if that's what you wanna do. If you just've been wanting to work out just start showing up again and again and again and as long as you just keep doing that something awesome will happen at the end. I'm such a huge fan of that. (...)

TL;DR? Że po angielsku? Wytłuściłem najważniejsze, no i nie jest to takie długie, samo spisanie z filmiku zajęło mi kilka minut. Także tego, polecam.