Autor Wątek: Najlepsze brzmienia  (Przeczytany 67292 razy)

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Odp: Najlepsze brzmienia
« Odpowiedź #25 21 Wrz, 2008, 07:40:35 »
Coś mi się jebnęło z deka z tą gitarą Tesseracta.
Tutaj korekta:

If i'm using the ENGL the chain is ESP Viper 407 / Gibson Voodoo SG > Pre EQ > Boss Noise Gate (now the ISP gate if i could get it working) > ENGL - FX Loop > 31 Band EQ (prob the most unimportant part of the chain) > BBE sonic maximizer > (ISP Gate once i get it sorted) > G Major > ENGL FX Return > Engl 4x12 v60 speakers > Nemuann TLM193 Mic > TL Audio 5052 mic preamp (unfortunately only borrowing it) > Digi 002 sound card > Nuendo

If its the POD Pro xt its Guitar > TC Electronics Preamp/Booster (dam thing broke so im using the pre eq for now) > POD Pro XT / POD Pro > Digi 002 > Nuendo

I tend to record once on the left, once on the right and double them up so in effect you have 2 on the left and 2 on the right. Panned hard 100% left/right and the copied one between 95% & 75%

I use the BBE VST plugin aswell and run it as a send effect. Its a mono plugin so i have one panned hard left and one hard right and use it on the 100% panned guitars only. I only use it quite subtly - but it adds a nice touch.

Group the 4 tracks of guitar and use EQ and a BBE sonic max as an insert - again subtle use.

Schecter 5 string custom series > Sansamp bass DI > Digi 002.

I tend to double the bass track also, group it and just EQ it - occasionly use waves C4 on it. Panned center maybe each track spread by 10-15%

I think you could write a Ph.D on just use fredril thordendal's DFH settings on the toontrack site and work from there - they are a really good start. I tried them out recently and he knows what he's doing...i just messed with it to suit my mix and changed some of the drums etc.

In the master chain i use BBE Sonic max (woo again), some EQ, waves C4, Ozone Izotope or whatever its called and endorphin.


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