Autor Wątek: Premiery 2022  (Przeczytany 44273 razy)

Online Filun

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Odp: Premiery 2022
« 09 Sty, 2022, 14:29:13 »

1. Is this real ?
yes it is real, with the help of r/meshuggah subreddit, we were able to find album cover art, and a teaser video.
2. Is the website fake? (
no, the website is owned by the current record label (Atomic Fire).
if you have any more questions tell me in the comments, i'll try to answer them all.
Sources :

1 kwietnia... I want to believe

Edit: no chyba nie kłamstwo!

« Ostatnia zmiana: 14 Sty, 2022, 19:09:49 wysłana przez Filun »

Post Scriptum: specjalne życzenia dla ✨fOrUm sEveNsTriNg✨ kocham was 🤘😤


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