Kilka razy używałem wtyczki BBE, ale niestety bez zadowalających rezultatów. Szczerze wątpię w to, że w jakiś magiczny sposób ożywi ona (i tak bardzo dobrego) Revalver'a MKIII...
Pozwolę sobie zacytować Bob'a Katz'a (starając się nie wyrywać zbytnio z kontekstu):
(...)Well, in the sense that loudness is psychoacoustic perception, then the BBE qualifies. But it is simply a primitive processor that makes use of the most basic psychoacoustic principle, that high frequency content (e.g. high frequency distortion) increases loudness. If you label it a "primitive psychcoacoustic processor" I wouldn't differ from you.
To pass off a distortion generator as making things sound "better" is going down a dark path. Though in mastering we use distortion creatively all the time, so we're all walking on the dark side. I've never heard the BBE used subtly on a mix, though, whenever I get a mix from someone who used it on a bus I cringe, the hairs on the back of my arms all go up. But like the Aphex, when used as a mix tool sparingly on a specific instrument, it can make a dense mix easier to manage. Use the best monitoring possible to warn you when you're going too far and keep the mastering engineer's hairs from stinging :-).