Autor Wątek: Allegro-Negro-oszuści?  (Przeczytany 5686 razy)

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Odp: Allegro-Negro-oszuści?
« 08 Kwi, 2009, 15:13:37 »
Nie, no info o telefonie było, wyciąłem.
Ale skurwysyny.
Napisałem właśnie, że:

I'm sorry but:
1. you didn't send any of your data I asked you for
2. I cannot tell wherther it will be profitable to me to pay shipping costs. You are from NIGERIA, right???
3. I will not send any of my data, it seems simply like phishing my data
4. my offer is NOT the cheapest one - why don't you try other ones?
5. I think your offer looks fine but there is no other option to first register you on allegro, win auction, pay money to my bank account, give me your address and wait for parcel.

Jak jeszcze się odezwie odpiszę: go and fuck yourself!
Paczki z głów!