Za szybko pisałem i nie do końca to miałem na myśli - bo gdybym myślał tak jak napisałem to nie zamieszczałbym tego tematu na oficjalnym forum Kempera gdzie jasno tłumacze że merged jest do dupy Kolejna sprawa moje zestawienie tutaj: Oraz porównanie profili direct na tej samej paczce (niestety nie było cwaniaczka który by zabrał głos w ślepym teście): Zachęcam również do przeczytania tekstu poniżej jest to moja rozmowa (a raczej monolog Pana Vadima Taranova - koleś nakurwia vsti wzmacniaczy i robi to wyśmienicie) jak działa Kemper
Spoiler "I hear the real peavey sounds deeper while kemper studio profile sounds a bit smeared do you know how it works? There is a template amp sim inside each kemper unit the only thing to do kemper is doing it is compare pre frequency response is like you to put a parametric eq in front of an amp sim and tweak it At first kemper decabs it, just compares miced up signal to a reference flat spectrum so it does eq matching after this done kemper stores the difference as impulse as an impulse the next thing it does is analyzing sweep tone distortion to a flat response so it can build that pre-eq curve it just estimates it by comparin distortion amounts at different frequencis in sweep tone just understand one thing any real-world cabinet and microphone that work in their normal conditions and dynamic range those are just like big equalizers like if you'd have a large eq board with 65000 bands so different cabinets and mic placements are just variations of this equalizer settings The next thing is up to your brain, how it will feel the difference in sound you've maybe heard of human ear curves? That's form psychoacoustics... Kemper profile first 2 kb is impulse stored as 22kHz wav Believe me you can really store a pre-eq curve easily with the rest 2 kbs it's easy the're being stored as math expressions not sounds pre-eq curve is like a preset of parametric equalizer you put in front of distortion that's why I don't like kemper ***so inside kemper we have some distortion ampsim*** yep built-in alghorithm so profiles are just like presets with IR inside nothing more and about new axe: that they were seeking for coders which have experience in neuralnetwork coding that only means that axe fx is simulator of electric circuits so it's far a way better than those previous products. so you think its possible to create 100% same sounding ampsim or gear like real amp with miced cab? not now do you know why? today circuit simulation is to use math fomulas instead of simulating flow of electrons in 3d models it only simulates consequences scientis just estimate the difference but not modeling the root of cause in that amp sim modeling."
Z chęcią odpowiem na inne pytania - ale nie w tym wątku ok?