Built-in FASLINK™ port for connection to MFC-101 Mark III over conventional XLR cables.
Dedicated MIDI IN, OUT, and THRU jacks (vs. shared OUT/THRU in the Mark II).
Two onboard PEDAL jacks (vs. one in the Mark II).
Primary VALUE entry via optical encoder with a lifespan of 1,000,000+ rotations.
“Secret Sauce III” instrument input features an even lower noise floor.
128 Mb of non-volatile Super-FLASH memory allows for storage of up to 512 presets and 512 user cabinets with copious reserves for future expansion.
Double-capacity preset size allows for expanded functionality including X/Y switching on more blocks and more instances of effects.
Built-in backup firmware allows recovery in the event of complications during update.
Backward compatibility with Axe-Fx II Mark I/II presets via Axe-Edit software.
IMO jedyne co w moim przypadku przemawia za XL, to to, że na II nie mogę otwierać presetów ludzi z XL-kami (co jest trochę...dziwne).
Jak dla mnie miejsca jest od ch....