a no właśnie chodziło mi o to , zeby za mnie kręcił gałą volume:) , oczywiście nie dosłownie, ale , ze w jakiś sposób będę mógł
wyciszać preamp
To co to w takim razie jest, o co w tym chodzi :
Master volume knob. Located post effect loop, it controls the overall preamp output
level. You can also set the master level to 0 via MIDI controller 7. To learn how to do
this, see section 57 in the chapter
A tip from the designer:
Use this set of encoding buttons (1, 2, 3, 4 and 5) to assign the MIDI channel. This tells
the preamp's MIDI system over which channel it will receive MIDI program change
commands. Your choices are the standard 16 MIDI channels (numbered from 00 to
15), as well as OMNI mode (whereby all MIDI data is received regardless of the MIDI
send channel). The encoding button settings for a specific channel and OMNI mode
are listed in the following table.
Encoding button number 6 lets you program the preamp so that it is muted when it
receives a MIDI controller 7 command. When this command has a value of 0 (and less
than and equal to 5), the preamp's master volume is muted. At values greater than or
equal to 5, the preamp is back on line at the volume level determined by the currently
active Master knob.
Setting the encoding button S6 to ON activates Master Volume Mute.
Setting the encoding button S6 to OFF deactivates Master Volume Mute.
Masz przecież napisane czarno na białym - z poziomu midi możesz wyciszyć wzmaka i to wszystko