Autor Wątek: Kącik humoru wujka purpla ;-) [jeden dowcip w poście!]  (Przeczytany 689656 razy)

Offline Bjørn

  • Pr0
  • Wiadomości: 3 376
  • Imponderabilistyczny monopluralista.
I wanted to tell my daughters about the birds and the bees so I sat naked on the kitchen table and called for the oldest one.
"What is this and what do you do with it?", I asked her.

"That's a cock and you can fuck with it.", she said.
"Alright. I see you know everything, so watch yourself and try not to get pregnant. Now go and get your younger sister.", I told her.

My 9 year old daughter came and I asked her:
"What is this and what do you do with it?"

"Thats a pee-pee and you can do wee-wee with it.", she replied.

"Sure you don't know any other usage for it?", I asked.

"Not really.", she replied, "It's too small for a fuck."
. : : Death Metal und Jazz : : . || dubstepowe banjo w djencie || . : : Fractal > all your amps : : .