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Recabinet Newsletter
A bunch of you have asked about the cabinet list for Recabinet 1.0 (, as well as other information about the product. Rest assured, we are hard at work on a full website, coming October 28 which will explain, demonstrate through audio and video, and otherwise answer all of your questions and then some. The Recabinet demo will also be available for download on October 28.
Beginning a week later, on the November 4 release date, Recabinet will be on sale through the website (
In the mean time, here's some info:
Recabinet 1.0 Cabinet List:
- "Ghandi" - Mesa Standard/Oversize 4x12
- "Angora" - Line 6 Vetta 4x12
- "Igor" - Krank Krankenstein 4x12
- "Genzie" - Genz Benz G-Flex ported 2x12
- "Sterling" - Marshall Hand Wired 4x12 (late 1960s reissue)
- "Damien" - Marshall 1936 2x12
- "Kirby" - Carvin 4x12 British Series
- "Manatee" - Ampeg SVT 8x10 Bass Cabinet (using Ampeg SVT Pro Classic power section)
- Bonus cabinet - "Trapezoid" - Roland Micro Cube (using native power section)
That's over 400 impulse responses total with multiple mics/positions and power sections selectable.
Recabinet 1.1 Cabinet List:
(free update for all Recabinet 1.0 owners coming in early 2009, no nicknames decided for these yet)
- Orange 4x12
- Marshall 1960AV 4x12
- Mesa Traditional 4x12
- Randall RS412XLT100 4x12
- possibly more...
Mic/position list and other details will be announced on the full site on October 28.
Later in 2009 we will release a second product, Recabinet Vintage, at the same price as Recabinet 1.0, which will focus on vintage combo amps and vintage cabinets. We plan to keep upgrades to both products free as often as we can, only charging for truly massive upgrades. Also, if you own one Recabinet product, we plan to offer a discount on additional Recabinet products.
Previous Recabinet News
We're proud to announce November 4 as the release date for Recabinet 1.0, and $79.99 as the price. There will be no pre-orders, but there will be a demo soon.
About Recabinet
Tired of miking up cabinets, but not satisfied with the brittle, plastic sound of digital amp modelers? Tried rackmount speaker simulators but not satisfied with the results?
With Recabinet, you can get full-bodied, album-quality guitar or bass tone at any volume with your Mac or PC. Recabinet accurately models the loud part of your guitar tone - including cabinets made by brands such as Marshall, Mesa Boogie, Carvin, Ampeg, and more. Recabinet also models both 6L6 and EL34 power tubes, as well as 4 different industry-standard microphones in over a dozen positions.
Unlike digital amp modelers, we’re not trying to replace the tube-based preamp sound that you love. Recabinet leaves the preamp tone up to you - you can use it with any preamp - from rack preamps to the preamp section of your tube amp head - simply connect the FX send or preamp out of your amp to your computer audio interface.
While we feel Recabinet sounds the best with real tube gear - it also sounds great with digital amp modelers such as Peavey Revalver, Native Instruments Guitar Rig, and the Line 6 Pod and GearBox series. It also works great with solid state amp simulation such as the Tech 21 Sans Amp series.
Recabinet also leaves the software platform in your hands - it's not standalone software, but there is no hidden cost, as it works in conjunction with free and commercial software with equally great results.
Recabinet is a library of convolution impulse responses, a technology that until now has been primarily used to create hyper-realistic reverb based on real-world spaces and coveted vintage reverb gear. The Recabinet library will load into any free or commercial convolution reverb plugin - effectively transforming these great reverb plugins into virtual guitar cabinets. Supported software includes Voxengo, keFIR, Altiverb, SIR II, and more.
More details will be announced soon, and a full website will be launched later this month. Stay tuned and be sure to hit the Recabinet Forums! (
Ukazały się demonstracyjne odpowiedzi impulsowe:
This demo gives you just 8 of the nearly 400 impulse responses included in the full version, and is not restricted in any way. A few notes about the demo:
- The "Damien" cabinet is a Marshall® 2x12 cabinet with Celestion® Vintage 30 speakers.
- The "Ghandi" cabinet is a Mesa Boogie® Standard 4x12 cabinet with Celestion® Vintage 30 speakers.
- The impulses included feature the Shure SM57 and Audix i5 microphones positioned up against the grill cloth, with the mics pointed at the edge of the speaker cap and cone (a popular position with producers such as Andy Sneap and guitarists such as John Petrucci of Dream Theater.)
- Also featured are 6L6 and EL34 power tubes, for tonal variety.
Moja próbka z "Ghandi" sm57 (tylko LPF na 16000Hz): -> Audio -> recabinet
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